Saturday, November 24, 2007

Runs Turning Colder

The weather has changed and I'm back to running in the cold.

Ran an 8.5 mi on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. This run was a rare treat for me, as I was privileged to have someone to run with! A 16 year old young lady, R.E., who attends our church and runs cross country and track, went the distance with me. This was her longest run ever, and she is building up from a surgery she had a few months ago. She is much faster than me and I'm sure she had to strain to run slow enough for me to keep up with her. But, it was sure nice to have someone to run with! This is only the 5th time (if I remember correctly) in the past year and a half that someone has run with me, and only the second time I had a running companion on a run longer than 3.5 miles. Makes the run more fun. This young lady had given me some excellent training advice for my first marathon, and her comments were posted in my old blog entries.

The temp was cold! The national weather service reported 19F at about 10 minutes before we took off, but we passed a bank sign about 6 minutes into the run which reported 28F. Either way, it was still a bit nippy. Fortunately, not much ice, so no falls.

My time was horrible, and it is clear that I have not fully healed from the last marathon. In fact, I'm still surprisingly sore in several spots about 16 hours after finishing. I had to walk several times, with a couple of walking intervals due specifically to my right gastroc. Anyway, my time was a dismal 1:50:59. I will need to lose a lot of weight to meet my goal for the next marathon.

All this having been said, this was only the 4th time that I have run since the Marathon, with the other three being 3 milers (treadmill, a 3.3, and a 5k last Saturday). So, it was great to get back to a longer distance, even if I did have to walk a bit.

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