Friday, April 20, 2007

Busy Week, 10 K Race Tomorrow

Run the Novartis 10k tomorrow. My goal is 1:10. Jen and David are both doing the 2 miler tomorrow (David running, Jen walking), so we'll have 4 racers in the house! Cornell, our other racer (the one with the real speed) is not running in this event, but he is a sprinter (400m) and triple jumper for Southeast High School.

Crunch time for training, but work has been so busy that my running schedule has taken major hits. I was also especially sore after my 21.5 miler last Saturday, and it took me a lot longer to heal than I had planned. No blisters, but my knees were alarmingly sore. I'm doing better now, but definitely not healed.

I took a walk with David on Sunday after church in the hopes that it would loosen me up, but it didn't. I then had trial on Monday and Tuesday so I was very busy from early morning until late at night. I was able to get in an upper body workout (lifting) on Tuesday morning, but later that day I had still significant difficulty walking down stairs, and my knees didn't feel stable. By Wednesday night I felt I could run again, but the time was very late and I didn't feel as though I could run on Wednesday night and again on Thursday morning and still recover properly. So, I went to bed and had a good night's sleep.

I ran a 5.5 on Thursday morning and was very happy with my time: 1:00:03. I took the route that takes the long uphill on 56th street. I slowed a bit on the hill, but my body handled it well. Beautiful spring morning. A bit windy in spots, but otherwise a great morning for a run.

I did my last pre-marathon 3.3 mile "sprint" this morning. My goal since starting had been to complete the 3.3 in under 30 minutes. It was not to be, as I finished in, no kidding, 33:31 (3.3 in 33:31. Too many 3's there, but if I had recognized the coincidence I might have slowed at the finish to get 3.3, 33:33. Alas). When I started this in June of last year, my 3.3 mi time was 53:30, and I though I was going to pop one of the disks out of my back. I ran a best time of 36:59 in March (16:01 faster than when I started) and today reduced my best time by 3:28 (an overall improvement of 19:29). Didn't reach my goal of 30 minutes, but I can live with the result.

I have tried to set my goals high enough so I would have to struggle mightly to achieve them before the race. I was able to surpass some of my goals (for example, I wanted to run 5 miles in under an hour and beat that, then set 10 miles in under 2 hours and bested that), but when I passed a goal I simply pushed the bar a little higher. The only goal I really busted was my mileage goal. I crossed the 300 mile mark in 2007 this morning, but I wanted to be around 400 miles at this point. Lots of excuses (weather, age, work schedule, weight, sickness, etc), but the bottom line is that I didn't make it happen. My best guess is that I will cross the 350 mi mark on marathon day. I'll cross 630 mi mark (since I started last year) tomorrow.

Off to bed for a good night's sleep, then up early for race day!

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