Sunday, April 1, 2007

March in Review

March was a mixed bag. Worked hard and had some successes, but had some setbacks due to illness and weather.

Not Good

1. I logged just over 105 miles for the month, but was scheduled for 154. I was way behind schedule. I lost 7 runs to illness and 1.5 to weather. That accounts for the entire 49 miles.
2. Having mid-back problems during longer runs.


1. Logged a 24.5 miler. Cut over 48 minutes off my 21.5 mile time from last year.
2. Consistently running 5 milers (or the first 5 miles of a longer run) in under an hour.
3. Very pleased with State Farm 10 miler time, which was under 2 hours.
4. Still had 13 runs totaling 105 miles, which is an average of just over 8 miles per run.
5. Bought some contact lenses.
6. Not losing runs for the wrong reasons.
7. Morale is still high.
8. Minor soreness, but no real injuries.
9. Wife, children still speaking to me!

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