Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ran the Novartis 10K (6.21 mi)

Good (but slow) run today! Ran well, no injuries, and finished in 1:08:42. AND I WASN'T THE LAST MAN TO FINISH!!! Notice, in the picture that a person is behind me! The little bitty blobs of color way in the back are other runners, too. Other pictures from the race are in my pictures section below.
Jennifer and David ran the 2 miler, which boasted a field of 311 runners of all ages. David finished in 20:58 (189th place), and Jennifer finished in 28:36 (266th place). This is Jennifer's very first race ever, and David's first two miler.

Here's my numbers:
Time: 1:08:42
Pace: 11:04
Overall Finish: 377/399
Place in Gender: 182/185
Place in Age Division: 48/49
1st 5 K split: 31:39
2nd 5 K split: 37:03

The Good
- Beat my goal of finishing in under 1:10:00.
- The first split (5k or 3.145 mi) was good (for me anyway) at 31:39. My 5 mile time was 53:26, which was my fastest 5 mile time since my military days. In the State Farm 10 miler a few weeks ago, I hit the 5 mile mark at 55:22.
- I wasn't the last man to finish!
- I kicked butt on 22 people (3 men, 19 women)!!! An improvement of 3 men and 2 women! WOOF, WOOF, WOOF, WHO IS DA MAN! Of the people upon whom butt was kicked, only 3 were older than me, 6 were in their low 30's, and 10 were in their 20's. (I'm conveniently ignoring the fact that I finished behind 376 people, including a 9 year old boy who finished 15:49 before I did).

The Bad
- I croaked on the long uphill (.8 mi) up 56th street, so my second 5k split time was 5:24 slower than the first 5K split. This is the same uphill I ran on Thursday, and have run a few times since starting my marathon prep. Gusty head wind all the way up the hill.
- Started my "sprint to the finish" too early, so I slowed as I approached the finish line and had to reaccelerate to the finish. Bad move.
- I had a memory lapse while writing this entry (see the last sentence under "The Good").

Just Is.

There were several people who I passed multiple times (for example, a duo of two women and I passed each other about 6 times), and I learned a lot from this experience. My goal was to run all the way up the hill and not walk any of the 10K. The other folks would walk and I would pass them, but then they would start running again and pass me. In the end, I finshed before several of these people. However, four of the folks (the two ladies running together, a heavy set younger woman, and another person) finished before me. The duo in particular ran more disciplined than I did; by walking the steepest parts of the hill they had more energy in the tank than I did at the finish.

Marathon is in two weeks, which will be discussed in a separate entry.

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