Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm Still Alive!

Have not posted in a week. Much of my preparation for the week surrendered to the vagaries of real life. I spent Mon, Thu, and Fri in a hotly contested parental rights termination trial (with 2 + more days to go) and the other two days getting ready for trial, so my schedule went to pot.

On the workout front, here's what happened.

I was unable to run on Mon -Thur. I tried to run on Tueday morning and Wednesday morning, and got out of bed promptly at 0430 am to get started. Each day the I could hear the wind howling, and when I stepped outside I was greeted with bitter cold. Both mornings were just over 20F base temp, but with wind chill were under 10F. I don't run when the temp is that cold (I don't have cold weather gear that works in heavy winds, and I want to avoid injury).

On Tuesday, my wife kidnapped me and brought me to the quack (Doctor's office in Kurt- speak). I turn 45 at the end of the month (April 28). Cholesterol low, blood sugar normal, triglicerides low, everything else looks very good.

Wednesday I bought cool new running shoes. Woo Hoo!

I went 5.2 mi on Friday, and took them as easy miles. Also maintenance lifted.

Saturday, I worked in the office for a few hours and spent the rest of the day with family.

Sunday, I went to church, and took a walk with David in the afternoon.

Monday, I was back on the running plan. I did "two a days" as Becca suggested. My morning was an experimental run on the treadmill at 5.53 miles. I wanted to see if I could sustain a 6 mph pace (my goal is 5 mph for the first 15 miles), so I did a warmup, ran a mile at a 6 mph pace, slowed to a 4 mph walk, ran another mile at a 6 mph pace, slowed again to a 4 mph walk, then ran a final mile at a 6 mph pace and then finished out with a 4 mph walk. I thought about one more cycle, but the time was already 0800 and I had to stop so I could get into my office by 0900. Overall, it went well, but my morning running problem (see my "a bit of history" below) reared its ugly head. I because somewhat nauseated around the 3 mile mark, and I was afraid that I would ralph my guts out (more Kurt-speak) on the treadmill. I didn't, fortunately, but I have to get this morning running problem under control because start time for the marathon is 0700.

Around 2300 I was back in the gym and went 4.37 miles. I ran a 6 mph pace for one mile, then maintained a 4 mph walk for the remainder. After the run, I did maintenance lifting, but did some additional lower back work. I'm feeling it right now.

Overall, my body seems to be holding up. My knees and shins are a bit sore, but the 4 day layoff after the 10 miler helped. The bottom line is that I'm strong, but I'm still carrying too much weight. And, I probably won't be down to my preferred weight until the end of the year (comes on quick, goes off slow). But, I'm being very careful, so I'll be fine.

I'm fighting my first two blisters of this entire year, but they don't seem too serious. I bought my new shoes at the Lincoln Running Company, and the guy who fitted me is a runner and marathoner, so his experience was very helpful. I explained my troubles with blisters on very long distances (20+ miles), and he said that part of the problem was that feet swell in longer runs, so for longer runs I needed a shoe that was about a half size larger than what I would normally wear. My other shoes are the right size for most things, but when my feet swell my toes jam into the end of the shoe and viola! Blisters. Unfortunately, I put my nifty, expensive arch supports ($30 each) into the new shoes instead of buying new arch supports. The supports were fitted for my other shoes, which are smaller, so there is a gap between the end of the support and the end of the shoe. So, as I was sprinting this morning, the tips of one of my toes found its way into that gap, and that caused the blood blister. I ran with my old shoes tonight (until I can buy new inserts tomorrow) and got a blister on my other foot. No blisters the entire year, then I get two in one day (I think the fact that I ran twice on a treadmill is what caused the problem).

It's almost 0300 and Jen is going to kill me for getting to bed so late, so I better quit now so that I can honestly report that I was in bed before 0300.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You are dead meat!!! I want you in bed by midnight and not a minute later. You can do it, I love you.