Sunday, June 17, 2007

Week in review

Busy week, so I'm going for the "block update."

Ran three days last week for 19.5 miles, and heavy lifted weights three days (one day I lifted in the morning, then came back in the afternoon with the boys and did other lifting, so technically I lifted four times).

Two of my runs were on my new "hill route." The first time, as noted below, was painful and slow. I ran the route again on Thursday, in the middle of the day, and reduced my time by 2 min 10 sec. (1:02:44).

After comparing my calculations to my Nike-Ipod results on the second run, it became apparent that I had miscalculated the 5.5 mile route. Part of the route is on the Billy Wolff trail, and the "official" publications report 2 different distances for that stretch of the route. Of course, I can't drive on the trail to measure it, and the shape of that segment is not conducive to measurement without surveying equipment. Fortunately, my math is pretty good, so I measured the streets north and south of the route, used a little trigonometry, and calculated the total distance at just over 5.5 miles. So, I'll go with 5.5 miles even and call it good. Recalculating my hill route to 5.5 made me feel better about my time on Tuesday. Thursday's run was hotter and muggier, but I had eaten properly so I improved upon my time. By the time the next marathon rolls around, I want to have reduced my time to 52 min.

Today's run was just plain hot. The temp was either 87F or 89F, depending on which sign you believe. David and I were on the Rock Island trail, and David rode his bike while I ran. He became sick to his stomach so we had to stop several times, one of which was about 15 minutes so he could sit in the shade. I stopped timing the run after the third stop. He was feeling better near the end so I hustled the last mile and sprinted the last .25 miles. It felt great!

The weightlifting went well. I did three days of "heavy" lifts for my chest, shoulders, arms, and abs. On the day I went to the gym twice, I did a light leg workout (I need leg work to get ready for the hills in Kansas City, MO.

The mileage picks up a bit next week, weights remain the same.

1 comment:

Gawdess said...

I was faster this past Saturday but not as fast as you!
I like the "This week in training that you have in the side bar, I am stealing that idea.
Also have been thinking about training in the more heat, because that is a serious weakness for me.

You be careful in the heat though.
It can get you so darn quickly!
I'm sure you know, but it is just so quick.

Anyway, love the trigonometry to figure out how long a course.

I love my Garmin and Google pedometer for that.

Good work.