Friday, March 28, 2008

State Farm 10 Mi Tomorrow!

Last run before the big 10 miler. Wanted to work on speed this week so I did a 3.3 earlier in the week, and a 5.5 mi today. My overall time today was 67:40, so I cut 9:42 off my time in only 24 days. My 5.5 mi time is still slower than any 5.5 I ran last year, so the long lay off hurt me a bit. While I don't think I can reach a 5.5 mi record time before this upcoming marathon (I would have to trim another 6:18 from my time but the Lincoln Marathon is only 37 days away), I can reduce it substantially. Besides, my training focus for the Kansas City Marathon was the 5.5 hill route, and I didn't properly focus on the longer distances. I have returned my focus to 8.5's for this upcoming marathon, with the 3.3's and the 5.5's being primarily for speed training.


As noted previously, I tempered my expectations for this 10 miler because of early, unavoidable hits to the running schedule. At the start of the season I wanted to cut several minutes off last year's time. That has been scaled back and simplified:

- Finish in under 2 hours (last year I ran a 1:58:54 in the State Farm, and 1:54:11 in the Lincoln Marathon).
- Not be the last man to finish (I finished dead last among men last year in this race, albeit I did beat 17 women!).

Last year was cool and rainy, which I liked. The trail was a muddy, but I did just fine. This year, the forcast is cold (in the 30's) with heavy winds. I hate the wind as it slows me down considerably. However, we take the weather as it comes.

David, Jasmine, and our foster boy KH will be running in the one miler, so that should be really fun. They have practiced a few times, so we'll see how it goes.

Woo Hoo!

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