Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Welcome Friends and Family!

Welcome to my Marathon Blog!

This Blog details my efforts to run my first marathon. For some, running a marathon is a fun past time or the application of their natural running talent. For me, an experiential learner, it is an adventure, and will be the accomplishment of one of my many life ambitions. This "adventure" is a bit tougher for me than others I have enjoyed (slow, no natural running talent, etc), so I will greatly appreciate any help, advice, or support you can give.

This is a "private blog." I didn't want to advertise to the world that I am slow, pudgy, and lack good judgment. Fortunately for me, each of you already knows that I am slow, pudgy, and lack good judgment, and for whatever reason you have either chosen to remain my friend or at least have condescended to not kick me out of the family. So, whether you join this Blog with a cheer, a groan, or you feel obligated to assist through pity, you are officially part of my marathon brain trust and support group, and I greatly appreciate your friendship, familyship (a new word), and support.

This blog has only 21 members (most husband and wife entrants count as one member - "the twain shall be one flesh" - sorry husbands, but you should have read your scriptures before you were married). The list includes three runners which have over 20 marathons to their collective credit, one experienced runner/bicyclist, one high school long distance runner, two general purpose manly men stud types, four couples who have been my close friends for many years, two attorneys (just in case), several close family members, two social services workers (just in case), and a child therapist (with my mentality, personality, and maturity, an adult therapist would be a waste of time).

I'm new to blogging (this is my first), so if you have any hints on how to make a blog nice, please let me know.

Again, welcome to my marathon brain trust and support group! Please visit and comment as often as you like.

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